Next D20 show flyer!

July 9, 2011

Sorry I have been MIA for awhile.  Having a job plus doing burlesque is making blogging a hard priority to put first.  But, in happier news, here is the flyer, featuring Luna Chase, for the next D20 Burlesque show!


March 27, 2011


That’s right, that is me in that large D20 (well, D18 because I needed to remove two sides to get in and out of it)!

The show was a smashing success, we had a standing room only crowd, might have sold out the space, got rave reviews, and were able to book a May show!  Woo-hoo.  Besides the amazing-ness that was the performers, the audience was fantastic! That crowd was supportive, cheered in all the right places! This fantastic audience consisted of many different facets of people – typical burlesque people, a handful of people from the Nerd NYC group, people who just wondered in because they saw it advertised on various media and then there were the celebrities.








Celebrities you say? Yes, in fact I did say that! In that ever so wonderful audience was: Luke Crane, one of the creators of the Burning Wheel RPG and Terry Hope Romero. Yes, the Terry Hope Romero as in co-author of Veganomican, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World and Viva Vegan. OMG, one of the co-hosts of Post Punk Kitchen came to my show! How she found out about it, I don’t know, but finding this out made my vegan heart leap with joy! You should definitely check out her site Vegan Latina for all kinds of vegan goodies, hints and tips!


D20 burlesque!

March 7, 2011

Now that I am doing burlesque as my main source of income, I have been trying to step up the amount of gigs I do to help keep myself going.   One of the ways I’ve been trying to do this is find new venues or produce my own shows.

Inspired by the production power houses that are Calamity Chang and Lefty Lucy, and the recent success of Franny Fluffer with her David Lynch Burlesque, I decided to try my hand at producing my own show.

I have been looking at venues for awhile and eventually contacted the Parkside Lounge about doing a gaming themed show, a form of the current nerdlesque (nerd burlesque) that I am yet to see in NYC.  Well, they were fine with the idea and we’ve booked two shows: a RPG (role playing game) based show this month on March 25th and a board game themed show in April. In order to keep it a unified thing, I dubbed the show D20 Burlesque which will become a group of different performers coming together to celebrate gaming culture.

The whole thing is an interesting experience as I have never produced a show myself, burlesque or otherwise.

I have already gotten a sponsor to donate raffle prizes, which I am excited about because it is my favorite gaming store in New York! Check out the Compleat Strategist to see what I mean!

In the mean time, I am trying to work on acts for the show, making promotional advertisements, and reaching out to different nerd groups in NYC.

I will give fair warning that I might not be updating that much due to the amount of work I need to do, but if you are facebook friends, you’ll be getting much more information and updates.

Poster for the show.

Last Wednesday I headed over to Parkside Lounge for a highly anticipated burlesque show that was all over the internet and NYC magazines.  Planned and produced by Franny Fluffer, The Pink Room; Twin Peaks Burlesque was a burlesque showed themed around the ever so popular and ever so kooky David Lynch classic, Twin Peaks. With a line up of Grace Gotham, Gemini Rising, Tansy, Amelia Bareparts, Foxy Vermouth kittening and hosted by Bastard Keith, the show looked so promising, I spent the three days leading up to the show cramming up on Twin Peaks by having my own private marathon.

One of the things I realized while viewing Twin Peaks was the doughnuts. Oh my gosh, so many doughnuts! Lucy really knows how to hook up police team!  So when Franny posted on Facebook that they would be giving out doughnuts at the show, I know I’d have to make sure I could participate in the doughnut feasting.

Special Agent Cooper loves his coffee, I think Truman is in it for the doughnuts.

In order to do this, I made a quick pit stop at Atlas Cafe before heading to the bar for the show. Atlas is a smallish little restaurant that serves both veg and non-veg food, but is known for their wide range of vegan options including crepes, ice cream and desserts from Vegan Treats! Atlas Cafe also has a smaller little store that sells most of the sandwiches and desserts of the main store which is located conveniently closer to Union Square, a subway station that connects to stations near my apartment!

vegan doughnut NOM NOM NOM!

With my doughnut in tow I headed to the show. I got there about 20 minutes before go-go was supposed to start, but they weren’t even allowing people in yet. By the time the doors were about to open, the line for the show was out the door!

It was a strange, interesting and fascinating show.  I mean, what can one expect from a David Lynch inspired burlesque show.  Bastard Keith was hilarious, as always, Franny served us both beautifully haunting and comical in her two acts, Gemini was spot on as Aubrey and her act with Tansy was quite….exciting. Grace brought out her tea cup, the same one I helped her with when we did the Bravo taping, as well as a pie she did some naughty stuff with. My favorite for the night had to be Amelia Bareparts  whose Log Lady act was the character I had been looking forward to the most, and Amelia did not disappoint at all!

(not Amelia Bareparts)

Due to the popularity of the event, I am sure that Franny will be doing another David Lynch Burlesque show, and I highly suggest you attend and get there early to secure a seat towards the front so you can take in the brilliance of the performers!