omg, pinups for pitbulls!

January 3, 2011

Wow, I really slipped and missed that I was allowed to post my Pinups for Pit bulls photo shoot results. Unfortunately I didn’t make it into the calendar, but this organization is doing great things working to promote pro-pit bull awareness and their calendar is awesome to boot!  You can order the calendar here for $20 (plus shipping and handling) where the proceeds go to help the group and their work.  Also, you can now check out the photos from the shoot with Dale Rio and Wilma, a now adopted pit bull rescue that was fostered by my friends Karen and Dan!

Pinups for Pitbulls

August 27, 2010

As I mentioned in the previous post did a photo shoot to submit for this calendar two weekends ago.  The organization is called Pinups for Pibulls and they are doing great work to raise awareness of the fact that pitbulls are a loving and caring breed that have received a bad wrap.  Due to signing image exclusivity rights I cannot show you any pictures from the shoot.  I do however have some pictures from after the shoot that are okay!

My partner and I took the train down to Philly where we met up with Dale Rio at her house.  From there we got me ready and I walked down to Studio Noir Philadelphia to meet up with my co-star, Wilma he pitbull.

Wilma Wonka is a rescued pitbull from Philly that was taken from her neglectful owner, who was probably using her as a breeding dog.  Wilma is now living in my friends Karen and Dan’s house as a foster pup looking for adoption.  She is super cute and playful and Karen reports she is learning how to cuddle.  She behaved pretty well during the shoot.

The dog handlers (Karen and Dan), the photo shoot star Wilma, and the photographer Dale Rio.

The other great thing about having Karen and Dan up was that they brought tofu hoagies (banh mi) from Fu-Wah in west Philly.  Oh man I love those tofu hoagies! Everyone at the shoot was veg, so we were all pretty stoked to chow down during or after the shoot on the delicious presents Karen and Dan brought.

If you think you might be interested in adopting Wilma, you can fid her information on her craigslist ad.  Also check out P.A.W.S. (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society) to learn more about fostering or adopting rescued animals in the Philly area. If you are not in the Philly area, check out where you can search for all kinds of rescued animals all over the world!


August 24, 2010

I don’t want to come off as phony or a liar here, so let’s be honest, I haven’t updated in a long time and have sort of been a slacker. Now this does not mean that I have been lazy , in fact, I have been a very busy busy lady.  Here are some of the things I’ve done lately and will do soon:

World Famous *Bob* - photo by Jac Chandross

“Your Face for the World to See” – A makeup and wig crash course on how to unleash ones inner drag queen/sowgirl. This class was awesome and The World Famous *Bob* is super duper sweet and informative.  I took this class through the NY school of Burlesque and I’d highly suggest it to anyone!

Pinups for Pitbulls – I had mentioned this on facebook and this blog, but last weekend I went down to Philly to meet up with Dale Rio and two of my friends and their pitbull Wilma joined us to shoot photos for the 2011 calendar.  There are lots of rules about the submission photos, so unfortunately I cannot show you the results of this photo shoot, but they are amazing!

This past weekend was my sister’s wedding ceremony so I had to go back to Pennsylvania.  This also means I had a chance to stop by Underwired Boutique to buy a whole bunch of fun vintage goodies I’ll have to show in a later post.

This weekend I am in a music video for the band The Electric Mess! I found out about this gig via the NY Pinup Club on  This I am super excited about and will try to get some pictures this weekend to show the process of being in a music video.