omg! ruby valentine!

September 4, 2010

Ruby Valetine is a super sweet, really nice performer who I have had the pleasure of working with several times.  Her acts are spunky, her look is a fun mix of vintage/goth/glam, and she is just plain adorable in so many  ways!

And you know when I made that post about how I was so cool because I performed at the Slipper Room and then it was mentioned on pilot of Mad Men. Well, she IS THAT PERFORMER AT THE SLIPPER ROOM ON THE PILOT OF MAD MEN!

Check out her website, Ruby Valentine – The Alabaster Beauty,  for more information!

mad men

August 14, 2010

I know I am totally behind the times when I say something like, “so I got to watch the first season of Mad Men recently,” but I do have to admit it’s true.  I can be pretty stubborn sometimes, so when everyone was Mad Men crazy, I refused to see it, waiting for the hype wave to break and see if it had lasting power.  Well, apparently it does.  I was also inspired to give it a try when i found out that Bastard Keith and Madame Rosebud’s new burlesque show, The Sophisticates, was semi inspired by it and was having a screening of the new season episodes during their show (this has since stopped, but I didn’t know it when I purchased the season 1 DVDs) and realized I should probably give it a try.

Screen cap from the Pilot of Mad Men

Well, boy oh boy, how surprised was I when in the very first episode they go to a burlesque show?!! But that wasn’t even the most exciting part of that little story line…..

I don’t want to give anything away in case there are other people out there who haven’t seen the show, but yes, the show takes place in New York City and yes, they do go to a burlesque show, but where does that show happen to take place????

So if you are a fan of the show, I would totally like to brag that I performed on that very stage that is shown in the pilot since it was shot on location.  I’m basically a celebrity now, right?