a sparkly binge

March 3, 2011

Last Sunday, after a delicious mash asia (veggie) dog at the Brooklyn Flea (market), my partner and I headed to Moo Shoes so we could get some much needed footwear.  I needed new boots as I had already gone through two pairs of plastic rain boots this winter and my partner needed some sneakers.

For those of you who do not know about Moos Shoes, it is a wonderful vegan company thats sells vegan (and often ethically made) shoes, shirts, purses and jackets. They also sell books there, including the Vegan Girls Guide to Life by Melisser Elliot who i met at that Farm Sanctuary fashion show!

Upon going in there  I went right over to the boot section find what I needed.  After trying on several kinds, I found something that fit my needs and my partner found a suitable pair of sneakers.  Then we browsed for fun.  It was at this point that I found a little burlesque miracle.

I have always been a strong union and anti-sweatshop advocate, but unfortunately it is very hard to find ethical companies that are making the supplies needed for burlesque costumes.  I slipped out of my ethics for awhile when I found out that I could buy accidentally vegan  shoes at almost any shoe store now, I even promoted it in the second post I wrote for this blog!

Well to my surprise, I found some burlesque-licious shoes at Moo Shoes, and although they seemed pricey compared to what I usually spend on shoes, I had to keep in mind that most stripper shoes of this exciting caliber are more.  These ones were definitely vegan and I was supporting a great store buy purchasing them. Now I own these and I still get giddy every time I open the box:


fashionista night!

February 27, 2011

In my last post I talked about visiting and networking during gallery opening in Chelsea.   Well, a past visit she made to Agora Gallery went so well that they have agreed to host a Fasionista Night. See the details below:

“Join us @ Agora Gallery for “Fashionista Night” Thursday March 31st, 6pm-8pm. Complimentary refreshments served (yes, free wine!) and 3 gallery exhibit openings! Dress up as creatively outrageous as you want (this is NYC after all!), make the scene, meet interesting people and enjoy great new art!”

530 West 25th Street
bet. 10th & 11th Avenues


Mark your calendars and start preparing those outfits now!

tanya’s amazing wares

January 22, 2011

The last post talked about a wonderful etsy shop and this one will too.  A couple of years ago I reconnected with a friend from high school named Tanya.  She was also so fashion funky in high school and I regret not hanging out with her more because the last is pretty awesome (I mean, she has John Waters inspired wedding!).

Well, Tanya has two etsy shops I want to bring attention to.  One is a vintage store where she finds delicious retro finds at her local Baltimore flea markets and thrifts stores and then shares them with the world. You can find her Cosmic Things store here.  Not burlesque costumes per se, but definitely great finds to wear off stage.

Her other etsy store is a bit craftier, and I love crafting, so of course I dig this stuff.  Now, vegan beware, some of her stuff may not be vegan, but feel free to ask.  In fact, Tanya is really good with accommodating requests, case in point my Wanda necklace. After seeing all her wonderful necklaces, I asked about getting one with Wanda from the John Waters’ movie Cry Baby on it.  As John Waters’ fans have to be there for each other, she churned one out so I promptly snatched it up.  It seems she is making rings as well now, so find your inspiration and wear them proudly while also supporting a girl trying to do what she loves.  Also, you can find Tanya’s website, where she goes by the alias Atomic Betty (which she has had since high school and is in tribute to a certain Ms. Page) and although she hasn’t updated in a while, maybe this will be the friendly nudge to get her going again. I don’t know Tanya, what do you think?

Here I am sporting my necklace out on the town at the Big City Grind burlesque show!

If you are interested in buy one yourself she made another one, so check out the link and get one.  Who doesn’t wants Traci Lords around their neck, I mean, c’mon!?!