hufflebuff burlesque 2

July 30, 2011

Last tuesday I got to perform in NY Pinup Club’s second edition of Hufflbuff Burlesque which was a ball since this will be some of my last chances to perform Harry Potter themed burlesque.

Photo by Sean Patrick Hale

I got to perform my Dolores Umbridge act again, and came up with a new Partronus act which I absolutely love.  Hopefully the video of it came out well so I’ll be able to show it around in case I never get to perform it again.

Dolores sips her tea

I recently got invited to perform with the NYC Pinup Club in their Harry Potter Tribute show: Hufflebuff.  For the show I did two different acts, a Snape act and a Dolores Umbridge act.  It was really fun to plan two acts in such a short amount of time and I really only had one day to buy all the supplies due to a hectic work week and another show I was in. (Pictures of the show will also come soon).

Though during the acts there were a lot of mishaps (note – it’s never a good idea to forget your contacts!). I still had a very fun time in the end and it seems the audience liked them and the photographers got some good shots. Here are some fun ones from the Dolores act! All photos here used with the permission of the photographer,

taking off the gloves!

the reveal!